Challenge #0

This example challenge shows an alert popup when the button is clicked.

Challenge #1

Change only the text below to a different phrase when the button is clicked.

Change my text pls.

Challenge #2

Change the background color of only this div when the button is clicked.

Challenge #3

Change the font of the header above that says "Challenge #4" to italic when the button is clicked.

Hint: It's similar to Challenge #3. You will need to change the style, but can you figure out the property you need instead of background?

Challenge #4

Change the empty image below to an actual one when the button is clicked. The image is already loaded in assets.

Challenge #5

Enter a name into the text input field. When the button is clicked, the text below should greet whatever name was typed in. e.g. "What's good: Coach Wolf".

What's good:

Challenge #6

Append a paragraph element with some text below the button when it is clicked. The appendChild() method may come in handy :).

Challenge #7

Remove the text below the button when it is clicked. The removeChild() method may come in handy :).

Remove me pls.

Challenge #8

Change the color of ALL the h3 elements on the page when the button is clicked.

Do NOT change them individually. Instead use the querySelectorAll() method, and loop through each to change them.